2nd Trimester

DH is on my last nerve today

So I'm exhausted between the baby and my gall bladder and all the medicine on I'm dead tired. Well he wants to do take out at a place about 30 minutes from here fine whatever. Half an hour after he supposedly went to get dinner I find out nope he was still screwing around down stairs and now I'm going to have to take my meds late because he still hasnt even left to get food. Then after he shows up with food I look over my order which I txted him so he couldnt get it wrong its freaking wrong the one thing I wanted the most isnt even there but he got everything he wanted and some how his food is nice and hot and mine is like ice. I really want to just throw the burrito at him and go to bed. I mean come on I have spent the last week entertaining his friends who came from out of town and attending functions because he didnt want to go alone. Including one wedding where there was nothing I could eat becuase of the gall bladder diet I'm on and then the photo booth opperator decided to start dancing instead of doing his job and kicked my leg out from underneath me and sent me into a table belly first. I'm trying so hard to not freak out on him but right now I feel like screaming at the top of my lungs
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