3rd Trimester

Please let me cry for a min

I am 32 weeks 1 day. I only add the one day because it makes me one day closer.

We took our first trip to L&D Saturday night after 5+hrs of contractions being 5 min apart. I didn't "feel" like I was in labor but DH was nervous so I went along. Turned out to be a good thing we did. I am dilated to 2 and 30%. Our Dr basically told us we aren't going to make it to term but we need her to stay put as long as possible(duh, right). His only suggestion was to take it easy. What the H does that mean? I have no clue what it's ok for me to be doing and what isn't. I've been having contractions for 36+ hours now. They speed up for a while then slow down. I'm literally exhausted and SO uncomfortable. I just want them to stop. I've spent countless hours on my L side and drank an entire case of water and nothing helps. Its getting really hard not to wish for real labor to start. I just need a break.

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