3rd Trimester

An open letter to my unborn LO

Dear DD,

 I know you're probably a little mad since Mommy hasn't ate much since Sunday. Stupid stomach bug. I've ate the best I can without making myself even sicker. And I know that you're probably a little mad that we've already scheduled the induction since it's not appearing that you want to come out on your own. I do appreciate the contractions I was having today but when I left work early to come home (because Mommy was almost in tears and couldn't really move) and try and time then and relax for a bit before Daddy got home and they stopped, that wasn't too cool. So if you're mad about the induction just come on out, it's totally fine with me and your Dad. Your room is ready and I promise things are much better on the outside. I know you're stubborn like me and the rest of the women in the family but now isn't the time to show it. Show it later when you don't want to nap or won't be still for a diaper change.



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