3rd Trimester

oh my....sister vent..

So my older sister has always had to be the center of attention and has always said whats on her mind!! As I have gotten older (33) I have learned to just block her out and yes her to death.  But she can be so rude and pushy!!  So my DD is scheduled to come May 21st I have a RPCS.  My neice whom I love dearly her birthday is the 25th of May.  My sister was arguing with me today saying you have to come to her party!! and saying "oh come on don't be that type of mother that stays in for 2 weeks"  I laughed and said are you kidding me...I will be just getting out of the hospital...I think Chloe will understand if her Auntie is not at her party!! (Chloe will be 6) I mean come on and I being unreasonable!??!  Then she said "oh Mother's that space there kids out are selfish....but I know you didn't mean to space your kids out 4 years...because you lost one..if that one had made it your kids would have been closer"!! I swear sometimes she seems insane!! I really don't know how I put up with her!!  She is 37 and I thought by now she would have grown up a little!  Just a little back story...It was very hard for my DH and I to concieve our children and I'm truly blessed what I have.  My sister had no problem having kids...you would think she would be a little sympathetic to me! nope!

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