2nd Trimester

? about doctor's office procedure...

Hi Ladies!

My husband and I just moved to the Seattle area from San Diego, so I had to find a new OB asap. The one I am going to now, I got as a referral from a dear friend. I went to the first appointment, and everything proceeded like normal. Yesterday, I went for my second appointment, and I am growing a little concerned. 

The nurse asked me if I had been shown how to test my own urine for protein and glucose. I guess I had a look on my face that said "What the hell are you talking about?" Apparently, at this office, you are responsible for testing your own urine for protein and glucose, as well as taking your own weight. You are then to record everything on a scrap piece of paper and give it to the nurse when she comes in to perform her only task: taking your blood pressure.

 Now, this is not my first pregnancy. I have never had to check my own levels before, nor do I feel qualified to do so. One of my best friends has her masters in Med Tech and this is what she was trained to do. When I told her what happened, she was appalled and mad. 

Now the question: Is this normal?? My mom told me that I should just tell the office that I am not comfortable to doing my own lab work, and to ask them to bill my insurance company. I'm not really sure how to handle this situation! I miss my old OB in SD!

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