2nd Trimester

My experience w/ a/s at 18 weeks

Since I remember seeing this come up as a post before I thought I would post my recent experience...

I know that some people were wondering why some places allow for a/s before 20 weeks and others don't. Well Kaiser is one of those places that allow them as soon as you hit 18 weeks. After my scan today the tech told me that even though they allow it, it is so much harder to see what they need to see clearly in any printed images. Everything is there and where it's supposed to be but at 18 weeks, it's just so much smaller to see what they need to see. Sometimes they get lucky and the Dr. will take the techs word for it but she said most likely I will be getting a call to go back at 20 weeks or later to get better images.

In the case where most people do get a/s before 20 weeks, I have to assume that maybe the Dr. is in the room and it's easier for them to see everything they need to at the time. (The live image is much clearer than the printed images) Or maybe they just take that chance as they did in my case that they will get the images they need? I really think Kaiser gives such a wide window because they have so many patients and it gives them more chances to get everyone in, versus say just a one week window at 20 weeks?

Either way, that was what my experience was. I'm glad I got to go in at 18 weeks and find out the sex and I really don't mind going back again for another ultrasound. BUT I also don't have to pay for my ultrasounds and maybe that's not the case for every person's insurance coverage.

 BTW: Found out we are having a BOY! We are team blue and I'm so excited  :) Can't wait to meet little Graysen Russell in approx 22 weeks.

TTC since July 2010 1st IUI - 6/14/11 =BFN 2nd IUI - 7/20/11 =BFN 3rd IUI - 8/22/11 =BFN 4th IUI - 9/24/11 =BFN 10/11/11 - Cyst= :( Break from meds 11/15/11 - New Plan(to shorten cycle):Femara CD3-7 + Menopur CD7-12 + HCG 5th IUI - 11/28/11 =BFP!!!!!! Beta 16dpiui:220/18dpiui: 492 DX: PCOS 1500mg metformin BabyFetus Ticker
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