Single Parents

When/how are paternity tests done?

Hi sweet ladies! Hope all is well in your worlds :)

I'm gearing up for this upcoming baby and wanted to ask you all when/how are most paternity tests done. Can it be done at the hospital after I deliver? Do we need a court order? I personally don't need to have the dad bring me papers and I've told him so in order to have it done. He agreed to pay for it and we have no issues on either end regarding it. So is it something I can request at the hospital after I deliver?  MUST I have a court order or can we just simply request it if the dad wants it and I'm perfectly fine with obtaining it. I do think its funny that he's the one that was sleeping with several women unprotected while I was faithful but HEY! I'm going with the flow on this one. Since we weren't married I know it must be done and I'm 100% fine with it. Let it be done!

Please fill me in! 

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