2nd Trimester


I went to my regular OB visit after our A/S with my MFM doctor last week. While we were with my MFM doctor, he did mention a "bright spot" in our LO's heart but didn't seem to put much emphasis on it-just said we will keep an eye on it and wanted me to come back in 11 weeks for another scan to continue to monitor LO's development. We went through all markers for DS and everything looked great-including a lack of any birth defects from medication I am on for Epilepsy.

When I was sitting with my OB today, she mentioned the "bright spot" again and told me it isnt uncommon and not to worry about it. So that, of course, made me worry! Apparantly it is called an Echogenic Intracardiac Focus (EIF) and is present un 7% of normal/healthy pregnancies. It is a calcification in the muscle of the heart and usually disappears on its own. It can be a marker for Downs or other genetic abnormalities, but I am apparantly real low risk for those things.

Needless to say, I get to wait anxiously now, for 11 weeks, to see if it clears up on its own. How nice. Has anyone else every experienced this...? And words of advice, healthy outcomes, etc? TIA.

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