2nd Trimester

Just made the admin cry...

So, I just made the admin at my office almost cry...I actually think she walked away before a tear came down her face.  Why do I feel bad??

She is the most annoying lady ever, and is always making comments about how people look, staring women up and down, and when pregnant it's magnified (or maybe just in the eyes of the preggo women - ME!).  She called me over to her desk today and as I walk over I realize she ONLY called me over to check me out and said "She's really popping out now, isn't she."  I always just smile and laugh that stuff off, but it's been a rotten day so instead I said "And that's exactly why I don't talk to you when I'm pregnant" and walked away.  I honestly didn't think the comment would phase her because she laughed at first, but then she came over to my desk and apologized and said she just meant that I look so cute.  Um, if that's what she meant, why not say that? I'd much rather here..."You look so cute" vs. "You're really popping out there."  I don't know why those comments bother me, but I'm not one of those people who LOVE having the baby belly. I love the end result and obviously it's more than worth it, but as a woman I don't think I'll ever be 'ok' with getting bigger.

Ok, sorry. Just had to get that off my chest (or should I say, belly)! :-)

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