2nd Trimester

College in fall and popping out a baby in September

Hey ladies. :) I need some advice. I am currently doing my Pre-Reqs to nursing. I'm currently in my first semester taking 17 credit hours. I'm trying to get this done as fast as possible. I'm 25 and feel like I've waited forever. Anyways, I will be taking summer courses as well. I am currently enrolled in Biology and will be taking Chemistry over Summer. The original plan before I got knocked up (teehee!!) was to again take as many credit hours as possible with Anatomy and Physiology 1 in the Fall. However, we are due September 17. So here are my worries: I'm obviously aware that I can't give birth and go to class the next day, HELLO! lol But I have been told several things by several different people. How long is recovery? Someone told me that a friend of theirs gave birth and only missed a week of classes? Is that even possible?!?! I already intend on signing up for as many online courses as I can. Those will be easy to get ahead in and then still stay caught up on. But A&P isn't something you can take online. What are your thoughts? Do you think I could go to class? Let's be realistic. This is our first so I really have no idea what to expect as far as recovery. We plan on going naturally if this makes any difference?
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