2nd Trimester

Any help on Maternity Leave/FMLA....

My due date is Sept. 24th, if I was to deliver on my due date, then the 12 weeks allowed for FMLA would bring me back to work the week before Christmas....I am so very much not wanting to do that. I would love to wait & return at least the 31st or Jan 2nd. Of course, if I was to go late, it may end up my 12 weeks land there anyway. But, if not, I am not sure what to do. I know I can't take more than 12 weeks with FMLA, but I wonder if my employer would allow me to extend my time off 2 more weeks, or if I could take the 1st 2 weeks from my Due date as like vac/sick time & then start the FMLA Oct 8th...I am just unfamiliar with how it works, so I don't even know where to begin when discussing this with my boss. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!

TIA!  :-)

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