2nd Trimester

Not sure how to respond to this...

I received an email from my SIL (DH's sister) about my baby shower gift this is what it said...

"Mom told me you were going to register but, I wanted to remind you that I will be giving you the MamaRoo and baby gym that Tristan (this is her 9month old) no longer use."

 First off, I didn't ask for these nor did I want them. She has a boy...we are finally having out 1st girl. I don't want to to seem like I don't appreciate any hand-me-downs but, she shouldn't assume we want them. My hubby and I went above and beyond for her new LO to make sure his sister knew how important and special we felt her baby was to us plus, this is my hubby's first LO and he's so very excited and wants his family to feel the same way. Not that I expect something huge at all but, a little something new would be nice for her new niece...it's not like they are hard up for money at all! And she knows we are having a hard time right now. 

I just don't know how to respond and not sound snippy...I do not want to sound snippy at all! I'm all about keeping the peace! But once my hubby reads the email (He's in training for his upcoming deployment and can't get on a computer until the end of the week), I know his feelings are going to be very hurt...like his new baby girl isn't as important. 

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