2nd Trimester

Is it a necessity?

Hello Ladies,

I spoke with a representative from my hospital regarding the birthing classes they offer.  The cost is $200.00 for an 8 hour course.

At this point, DH and I are wondering if it is an absolute necessity.  Let's be honest, babies aren't cheap...even before they are born and every penny counts, at least for us.  I've heard from many women that they didn't really use what they learned because labor and delivery is so "unexpected" in so many ways, meaning you can't really predict the circumstances you will find yourself in when the time comes.

As a FTM, it's def something that I'm curious about and initially thought would be super beneficial, but I'm getting mixed reviews.  Are the topics discussed something that can be researched/read independently of the course?

Any thoughts? What are your plans? Any personal experience either way?

Thanks Ladies! 


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