2nd Trimester

Sprained Ankle VENT

I fell a week ago and sprained my ankle while I was out of town on business.  Went to the doc a 2nd time this morning only for him to say he's sending me to an ortho guy this afternoon.  Says they may not do an xray to see if it's broken, but will probably just put me in a boot for at least 3 weeks.

I know it's just hormones, but I started crying in the car on the way back to work.  I just wasted an hour of my day to see a doctor who is just sending me to another doctor.  I'll have to chase after a toddler in a boot, which will slow me down even more than pregnancy has already.  Sorry, feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. Thanks for listening.  Oh, and can you even drive with a boot on your right ankle?? That's adding to my frustration!

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