2nd Trimester

Hello July 2012 Mommies--New Here and got a Concern

Hi ladies, I have been on this site for about 4 months now, just reading all your wonderful posts: they are all so informative and helpful! I am a first time mommy to a baby GIRL! Super excited and can't wait! I am due July 20th! I just wanted to say Hello, and introduce myself! (I hope this works, never posted b4, so if I am doing something wrong, please feel free to tell me-ha)

My concern/question: I don't know how active all of you are?  I play league volleyball in my town (a ladies league) I just play back row, don't want to block and jump a lot! So last night we had a game, I was playing back row and I tripped over my own feet and kinda did this roll onto my back and then rolled up onto my shoulder! It was pretty graceful (sure some yoga moves are more stressful then this-ha) But I just got SUPER NERVOUS something was wrong...she is kicking like normal: a lot last night and then this morning while on the couch, no spotting or anything! So please put my mind to rest that everything is fine... need some reassurance that baby and me are ok!! :)

And I called and told them I am DONE playing! Don't need to stress myself out after game anymore:)
Thanks laides for your comments ahead of time! Have a good Wednesday! :)

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