3rd Trimester

Need some reasurance.

This is my first post here, but I've been reading different things for several months now.  I'll apologize in advance if this runs a little long.

 My official due date, based on the first day of my last period is tomorrow, March 21st.  The due date, based on the date of conception was March 18th. We've had three ultrasounds and all three times she has measured about 3 weeks bigger.  We had our last ultrasound three weeks ago and based on her measurements she was approx. 8lbs 11oz.  I've only gained 13 lbs, and have not bought any maturity clothes, although I have a pretty healthy bump.  This is my second child, but my first daughter is 12 years old and this pregnancy has been night and day different from my first. 

 We are having a Bradley Birth and I have worked hard to eat right, stay hydrated, and exercise.  I am very much against having any kind of Pitocin to induce labor.  I have a very supportive midwife and my husband has been priceless during this whole pregnancy. 

The problem I'm having is that I've been having contractions for two months.  They started out small and spuratic but over the last six weeks have become very strong and consistent.   There have been many days that I go 12 hours or more with 2 minute long contractions every 5-7 minutes.  My appointment this week was today and my MW checked me.  I have not made any progress, not dilated, not effaced, baby hasn't dropped...nothing.  I am so incredibly discouraged tonight.   I'm not shocked that I'm going over my due date, my first daughter was 42 weeks, 3 days.  But I didn't have ANY BH or false labor with her.  I really expected I was doing something.  I feel like there is something wrong with me or that I might not be able to be able to do this naturally like I had hoped.  Has anyone else experienced anything like this?

I did go and get some Red Raspberry Leaf Tea and Evening Primrose Oil today...

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