2nd Trimester

so my mom tells me "you're getting fat"

over the phone.  she hasn't even seen me.  she just assumes I'm getting fat.

first, I am not overweight.  second, I have gained less than 10 pounds and am 22 weeks.  I now weigh 148 and am 5'10".

So when I tell her than I am indeed NOT getting fat, her response is to condescendingly tell me, "it's ok, it's ok... You are pregnant."

"Yes, I may be getting a bump but I am not getting FAT."

Conversation goes on with her telling me there is not much you can control in pregnancy.  So I respond that pregnant woman can certainly control how much food they are cramming in their mouths and how much exercise they are getting!

Oh, the conversation just went downhill from there.

No one else's comments bother me at all but my mom really knows how to push my buttons.  Who the F**K tells a pregnant woman, or any woman for that matter, they are getting fat.  What dumb @ss says that sh!t over the PHONE to someone they haven't seen in nearly one year.

I had told my mom that she could come to the 28 wk ultrasound with DH and I.  DH agreed. My mom has already purchased her plane ticket. But I am 99% of the way to telling her she is no longer welcome.  This isn't the first crappy, uncalled for, inaccurate comment she has made.  They just keep coming and coming. 

Why should she be a part of this if all she makes are rude, hurtful condescending comments?  She thinks that "because she's the mom" that she can do and say whatever she wants.  Well, that ends here and now.  Now I'm going to be a mom and I don't need that crap from her.

Question is, should I tell my mom she she is no longer welcome at the US and face her wrath or lie and tell her doc's policy is only one guest at the US and DH obviously isn't NOT going to be there.  My mom will assume I'm lying and will keep bringing it up.  Either way I am going to end up increasingly regretful that I even thought she could act normal enough to be a positive part of mu ultrasound, let along my pregnancy.

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