3rd Trimester

3D U/S turned out to be not so fun....

So my entire family was in town for my baby shower and I decided it was a good time to have a 3d ultrasound done. I was 29 weeks and was so excited. We went in and immediately the tech tells me the cord is wrapped around LO's neck. I completely freaked out. My father was with me and hes a surgeon and confirmed it was wrapped, looked like a freaking snake around her neck. The pics are awful. I cant even look at them. I called my OB and they asked me to come into L&D. I was hooked up to a fetal monitor and baby seemed fine, only problem was that i was having contractions 2 minutes apart. I didnt feel them tho. They didnt seem concerned AT ALL about the cord but rather concerned as to why i was having contractions. Eventually they went away and they gave me some kind of test that determines if I was going to go into labor and i was negative so they released me. It is completely freaking me out that LO has the cord wrapped around her neck. My OB said if they saw the cord wrapped in an U/S at the hospital they would have never told me because it just causes the mother to panic. I AM PANICKING.

Anyone have a similar experience and have their baby make it out ok? I have been counting fetal kicks/movements and she seems to be active still so I know right now shes ok but its freaking me out. Any advice would be appreciated!

Thanks Mamas. 

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