3rd Trimester

Why induce at 39 weeks, 4 cm?

At my 38 week appointment my doctor said I was 3 cm and told me to bring my bag next week b/c if I was 4 cm, she would send me straight to labor and delivery. That night I started having contractions and went to the hospital, but nothing progressed. I saw my doctor in the morning and she suggested breaking my water and starting pitocin, but I really want it to happen on it's own. She told me I was almost 4 cm at that point, but that I could go home and she would see me sometime over the weekend b/c she didn't think I would make it much longer.

Well now it's a week later, and I have my 39 week appt tomorrow night. I already know that I'm 4 cm, but still don't really want to be induced. I called the doctors office, but the doctor is out until tomorrow afternoon. The nurse told me there is an increased risk of infection being at 4 cm and an increased risk of my water breaking and labor progressing very quickly, which is why she would assume the doc would recommend induction. Does anyone have any advice? I need to decide what to do so I can make a plan for my 2 year old daughter if I'm going to be induced. Does anyone know what kind of infection I am at risk for?

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