3rd Trimester

Just had the most agonizing day. Don't let this happen to you!

I gave birth to my son on the 18th, and looked forward to a full day of getting to know him, just the two of us but I barely got to enjoy him until just now.

Please make sure in these last few weeks of pregnancy that you are keeping an eye on hemorrhoids and constipation. Drink tons of water and make sure you are regular. If you did not have a BM in the day before you are admitted, tell the nurse and keep an eye on things.

I pushed a 9 pound baby out and everything felt great until yesterday morning when I tried to go #2. I was backed up in agony for the next 18 hours because I had been constipated the week before delivery, and I didn't get a chance to go before I went to L&D. I cannot express how excruciating it was for the last 18 hours, both mentally and physically. I lost an entire day bonding with my son. Instead I spent the day getting poked and prodded by the nurses who were desperately trying to make me feel better. It finally took Xanax, an injection of hydrocortisone cream, and a serious numbing agent applied up the a**. A very humbling and painful experience.

I would not wish the day I just had on my worst enemy. 

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