2nd Trimester

Thank you, Lord good news!

Sooo, just got a call from the doc office about my first-look trimester screen test results. She said things look pretty good the first test came back negative and the second shows about a 1 in 230 chance Downs.

The nurse says thats better than average for my age group and that when they do the A/S  april 4 should something come up then they will do further tests, but they think everything looks fine.

 This is my first pregnancy, and I've been fretting over for this for a while. Even though its just a screen, I'm feeling much better about being prepared to care the babys needs. The maternal - fetal department at Brigham Womens in Boston have been phenonmenl!  I'm sure many of you out there first LO or not, know just how it feels, the waiting, the worrying..


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