3rd Trimester

Bathroom/hemmies TMI may interfere w/ birth plan?

*Let me preface this by saying my birth plan was to go as med-free as possible, and I don't judge anyone who chooses a different plan*

This is WHOA TMI ... I've had hemmies for YEARS and have had 3 surgeries on them before. I went to my GI dr who had done all the surgeries in early December and he said that it shouldn't be a problem to deliver vaginally. However every day for the past month they've been bleeding (filling up the toilet with blood). They come with a bowel movement, but it will also feel like I have to go to the bathroom and I go .. and its just blood/blood clots. This happened before, and its what caused me to need surgery. I KNOW I need to go to see the GI dr again to be sure that its safe to deliver vaginally, but I am petrified that he's going to say I need a c/s. I haven't even gone to hear what he has to say, and I already feel like a failure.


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