3rd Trimester

epidural question

I have pretty much made up my mind that I do not want an epidural.  I'd ultimately like to do labor naturally and med free... At our hospital you are required to take an epidural class to have one when you go into labor.  I have considered going to the class, just in case.... But I have been told that even if I wanted one I might not be given one because of my medical history.... I have a history of seizures (have been told epidural can cause seizures, especially if you are prone to them) and I have extremely low blood pressure... even while pregnant it's very low and epidurals can cause your blood pressure to lower, and can effect the baby.  Does anybody know if they would refuse an epidural for these reasons?  I have a Dr. appointment next Monday, so I plan to talk to her then but I was just curious.  Obviously if there is any possibility that my medical issue could cause a problem I would refuse it.
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