3rd Trimester

Pregnancy Induced Bell's Palsy?

I got diagnosed with Bell's Palsy almost 2 weeks ago at 32 weeks 0 days pregnant. I had never heard of it before, but apparently it's pretty common in pregnant women... especially women in their 3rd trimester. I was just curious if anyone else on here has it or has had it in the past and what your experiences are.

Honestly, it's been a tough few weeks... my doctor put me on an anti-viral drug and prednisone and also prescribed physical therapy twice/week. I've noticed very, very small improvements over the past few days but for the most part the entire right side of my face is still paralyzed.

I've been told there is really no way to predict recovery time and it could be anywhere from a few weeks to a year or more. I think the part I'm most worried about is still dealing with this when my new little guy gets here... Having Bell's seems to make everyday tasks just a little bit more difficult so dealing with it on top of having a newborn doesn't sound fun! Plus, we have maternity photos scheduled for this weekend... big bummer!

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