2nd Trimester

why all the extra weight gain?

I'm starting to feel very discouraged and depressed. I'm gaining weight everywhere and I work out 5-7 days a week, at least a half hour each day. I also have an extremely healthy diet. I drink tons of water, don't have processed or fattening foods or sugar. Why am I gaining weight all over my body? For example, I literally work out my arms every night and they're still not fit. My upper outer thighs seem to keep growing. I wish I didn't let it upset me so much because I am doing everything in my power to prevent this but it doesn't seem to be working. I was always a small person but not anymore. I just feel like I have zero control and it's so frustrating. Does anyone have advice because I'm honeslty doing everything I know I can to prevent extra weight gain and it's not working.
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