2nd Trimester

how to tell the boss's boss without getting fired

I told my male boss I was pregnant a few weeks ago. (I'm at 16 weeks and beginning to show depending on what I wear.) I'm setting a meeting this week to meet with his boss (a woman with children...) and our HR person (another woman with children.) I cannot stand my boss's boss because she has no concept of what it is that i do for the company and quite honestly just resent that a bit. She also can't keep her mouth shut. I do not see the woman if I do not have to and have managed to avoid her since we got pregnant. Yet...when I have this meeting and tell her--in this meeting, that I am pregnant she will say, "oh I knew it!" and i will want to slap her. I would love to get a take from someone who doesn't know these people to share a good response with me that will not get me fired and will put her in her place. (I've come up with a ton of comebacks, but pretty sure they will all get me fired...) The other problem that I have to address is that I am a fairly private person when it comes to matters like this and we are a small business where everybody knows everybodys business. I have to address her keeping her mouth shut until people figure it out on themselves. (I really do love my job...I just can't stand the people I work with!) Thank you for letting me rant a bit too :) Baby Smo really appreciates it!!! :) 
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