2nd Trimester

I'm so fed up *rant/need advice*

I'm really uncomfortable, all of the time. I'm getting so fed up with it. I thought that wasn't meant to happen until I'm 38 weeks pregnant and it's mid-summer, not when I'm 21 weeks and it's only March.

I ache all over, all of the time. The worst is my feet: my achilles tendons are too short and it leaves me with really bad heel pain that lasts for days when I'm on my feet for too long ('too long', by the way, is anything more than a few hours). Well, I guess it's the pregnancy weight, but something is making it worse than usual. It's like I can't stand up for more than twenty minutes at a time now.

I'm tired constantly. I'm getting ten to twelve hours of sleep a night because I sleep right through my alarm, and I'm still tired before 9pm and I still need a nap during the day. I've tried being more active, because pre-pregnancy I found I was more tired if I sat around all day and did nothing than if I was active, but it makes it worse now.

My stomach aches a lot, too. I have RLP every time I move. And constantly, my stomach feels like it's going to burst, even though (people tell me) I'm not that big yet. Last night we went out for St Patrick's Day and I ate quite a lot of food, and I was so uncomfortable I had to change out of my jeans into the host's old maternity pants. You know that feeling when you're wearing pants that are too tight, and you feel like the moment you unzip them your stomach will burst out of them? That's how my stomach feels, even when I'm wearing comfortable clothing. My skin is the tight pair of jeans.

(TMI warning)  Also, all the 'increased wetness' down there that comes with being pregnant has me feeling disgusting. I never feel clean. I never want to let DH near me because I feel dirty, actually dirty. 

To add to my joy, last night DH got very drunk (which was fine, I'm glad he had a good time), and I was obviously on water the whole night. Yet I woke up with what I can only describe as a hangover and DH was fine. This happened last time we went out drinking (in my case, not-drinking), too.

I'm so tired of this. Last night two well-meaning ladies were talking pregnancy with me and doing the "it's so wonderful, isn't it?" "don't you just feel amazing now you're in your 2nd trimester?" thing, and I wanted to scream. I know this is wonderful. I am incredibly happy to be having a baby. I know that a great number of women around the world desperately want children and can't have them, and this is an absolute blessing. I also know that when I'm not pregnant any more, I'll probably miss it. But no matter how often I tell myself those things, it doesn't help. All I ever want to do is crawl into bed (oh, but only on my right side, because laying on my left instantly makes me want to hurl) and try to be comfortable.

What can I do about all this? Especially how tight my stomach feels. I can't stand it.

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