2nd Trimester

Family meddling with their "health" concerns for you?

This will be a long vent... 

I have high blood pressure due to anxiety.  Before becoming pregnant it was under control with a few anti-anxiety medications.  Now that I'm pregnant I am on a few medications but it is not completely under control.  It's just something we have to deal with because the medications that do work the best are not safe for baby. 

I've had very mild health issues since from horrible morning sickness that led to an er trip to horrible headaches.  Yesterday I mentioned the headaches to my Mother because I said I was going to leave the family party to drive to a nearby starbucks for some caffeine.

Later my Mother is all over my case, asking my sister for her blood pressure cuff because I have a headache.  I told her it's probably from the hormones.  She says it's probably my blood pressure, I told her it might be... then she starts ranting that I need medication to help it.  I repeat myself for the millionth time that it's not possible because the proper medication is not safe for me to take.  My high pressure is high because of my anxiety not being under control.  She still insists on taking my blood pressure.  I told her she's only making it worst because I'm fuming at this point (I can't tell you how many times my Mother has insisted on taking my BP in the middle of family functions and my anxiety is a social anxiety, so it's bad when I am around a lot of people like a PARTY!)  This leads to other family members telling me not to think negatively and maybe it won't be high.  *sigh*  Then people went on telling me to up my protein, eat more fiber... blah blah blah. 

I am so sick of people putting their nose where it doesn't belong, or my Mother always assuming the worst.  I go to all my baby appts, I go see my regular doctor still (who was originally treating me for anxiety) and I take my medications like I'm suppose to.  

My Mother had my Dad in tears one night talking about how they think I'll have diabetes one day because I'm over-weight right now... nice huh?  My Mom's a nurse so she thinks she knows better than everyone. 

I'm going to start keeping everything a secret because I am so sick of the public health concerns with people's input left and right.  And my Mom is going to be pissed when I tell her she won't be there for the birth this time.  Last time it was so stressful with her fighting with nurses and she talks non-stop so I couldn't sleep.

Anyone else have a Mother like this?  I know she loves me and it's why she acts like this but it's really frustrating sometimes (I also said this to her after snapping on her yesterday). 

How do you deal with it?  Who knew a simple headache would lead to all that?  
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