2nd Trimester

Cramping at night

Does anyone else get cramps when laying down? My stomach would tighten and every now and then I would get a painful cramp or a sharp pain. I was so freaking uncomfortable all night that I barely slept which is making me an emotional mess. I am sitting up now and my stomach tighens every now and then but no cramping really. I had cramping issues at like 24 weeks and when I went to the Dr about it they tested me and then always tell me it is stretching. I can't decide if I should call or just see how it goes until my appt on tues. Side note: Baby girl is moving like crazy, all over the place today. I feel like a jungle gym.
Miscarriage at 6 wks 04/11 Miscarriage at 7 weeks 8/11 BFP 10/8/11 - Stick little baby! BabyFruit Ticker
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