2nd Trimester

Fitting into pants...

So before I got pregnant I had lost about 40 pounds, was in great shape and loved to work out. I felt very comfortable in my skin and loved the clothes I could wear.

This brings me to me being 24 weeks pregnant tomorrow, I have not been sick at all but my energy level is so low I have no desire to work out. I am also realizing that I no longer fit into the biggest size pants that I could never fit into because they used to be to big. My DH has been very supportive and even tonight we went shopping for maternity pants. I didn't even want to try them on in the store, so when I got home 2 out of 4 fit great. 

I do LOVE being pregnant and I know it is all for this little boy I am carrying but it is just one of those things you don't prepare yourself for when it actually happens.

Just wanted to vent a little bit, and wondering if anyone else is feeling this way..

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