2nd Trimester

Very annoyed about baby shower

My sister and a friend are planning my shower and have basically left me out of the planning completely, which is how I prefer it to be and it's my understanding that's how it's supposed to go.  Other than some questions about how I feel about games (nothing traditional baby shower) and what flavor I'd like the cake to be, I've been kept out of it.

I did ask the other day where the shower is going to be and the response was that it would be at my sister's house.  I mentioned that I knew there would be a couple of people who would not be able to attend due to allergies to pets (my sister has 2 cats and 2 dogs).  Both of these people are close friends and people I would really like to attend.  So my sister called this evening to ask me what I wanted her to do about the allergy situation, putting the location choice on me... basically making people drive to my aunt's house, which is not conveniently located, or accept the fact that some people would not be able to attend.  I don't know how this suddenly became my responsibility to figure out, but I'm annoyed by it.  My sister commented that it never occurred to her that people might be able to attend, despite the fact that one of the friends has repeatedly turned down party invites because of it.  

In hindsight, maybe I shouldn't have said anything about the allergies, but I thought both planners would like to know so they could think through it...

Sorry for the vent, but I had to get it off my (now very large pregnant) chest!

IAmPregnant Ticker
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