2nd Trimester


I love the name Grace and if we have a girl, I'd like that to be her name.  Grace is my great grandmother's name, and I'd love to use it.  I'm having trouble convincing dh, though, because one of my stepsisters goes by Gracie and my crazy Aunt Pam has decided when she found out I was pregnant that she wants to go by Great Aunt Grace (Grace is her middle name).  Now he is totally against having Grace for a first name.

I thought the conversation was still going about whether to name the baby Grace Lucile or Lucille Grace, but apparently, he has decided that Grace is out of the question for the two above mentioned reasons.  Lucile is his great grandmother's name and has been a middle name in his family for generations.

Now, I'm having a hard time being okay with Lucile because my family will hardly see the baby anyway and I want her to have something to tie her to them, if it's a girl.  His family is all local, but mine lives at least two days car trip from us.

How would you ladies go about trying to convince him that Grace is okay to use?  The main problem with my arguments are that they are emotional ones, and he needs logic.  Can you help a girl out?

Thanks in advance.

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