2nd Trimester

Foot Massage and Pregnancy - No No??

So I was scheduled for a facial, facial massage and foot massage today.  I made it clear I was pregnant when I scheduled it.  I know some places have issues and want a dr note, etc.  They assured me on the phone it was fine since I was in my 2nd trimester.

 As soon as I walked in the door the girl said, oh we can't do the foot massage.  I asked why not - she said oh because you are pregnant - now first of all I was wearing a baggy shirt - how could she be so sure?  

 anyways I said yes.  So she said so we have a rule we can't do this.  I went off the deep end.  "I specifically told you I was pregnant on the phone and they said it wasn't a problem.  If you trained your people properly they could have told me on the phone and I may have waited to use my gift card until after i had the baby.  I'll just take the face massage and facial and get the foot massage after I have the baby then".  And I was soo looking forward to this foot massage - my feet hurt and are already getting swollen.

 She said, "Oh you can't just get the foot massage itself, it's an add on".  

Me:  "So you are saying I can't use the foot massage portion of my gift card today, nor can I use it another day because I'm not getting anything else".

 Needless to say our arguing went on.  When I got in for the facial massage the massuse said I was Tense - ya think???

 Anyways - so why no foot massages?  Is it true the pressure points can induce labor?  If so wouldn't woman try to get abortions that way or women that are past their due date and want the baby out get them?  I've had pedicures for all 3 of my pregnancies and they massage my feet.  In addition, my husband rubs them.  If there was a secret to schedule labor via foot massage, that would be amazing.

 Okay, vent/ complaint, and wonder over : ) 

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