Single Parents

I have to testify in court against EXH Monday...

So when I left my EXH early last year he decided to cause bodily injury to me which extracted blood right in front of our DD. The cops took him to jail over night and slapped him with a Class A Misdemeanor (State of TX) Family Violence. Needless to say I left and never went back and have been happily divorced since! Best decision I ever made.

Well I received a subpoena last night to appear in court Monday to testify against him. I am not looking forward to it and am so nervous. I could have chosen to dismiss the case, but he needs help. He also refused the classes the State of TX offered him to get it expunged from his record so he wouldn't go to trial, but in his words - there is nothing wrong with him, its me lol. He needs to be evaluated b/c I believe he is bi-polar, depressed, and has a bad drinking problem. He hasn't seen his daugter since January and refuses to keep up with his visitations (we have joint custody). Also I have not received any child support...

And to add to it, my BF also received a subpoena as well for Monday to appear at the trial too.


TTC#2 with my hero, my inspiration, my United States Marine! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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