Single Parents

When is enough, enough?

I am really in need of some "logical advice".  Little background, my husband has always been on the selfish side.  He comes home and says, "hey babe tomorrow I'm gonna go fishing", or things to that nature.  He's always been stingy with his money.  His money is his, mine is mine.  We put 80% of both our checks away for bills but he gets HUGE bonuses 4 times a year and I'm lucky if I get a "hey babe lets go out for dinner".  When LO came along I noticed a little change.  He was such a happy parent.  Loved her and was obsessed with her.  Now... I'm lucky if he walks in and wants to hold her after a long day.

For the past months, I've been keeping documentation bc I'm about fed up.  Every Friday and Saturday night he's gone out, iether to a friends house to watch a game, play guitar, something.  Me and LO are stuck at home by ourselves.  I LOVE my daughter don't get me wrong, but after 2 weekends of him going out both nights and working all day saturday and sunday, i'm exhausted and I would just like 1 hour to myself.  Tuesday I told him I was going to start a Zumba class at the gym.  He told me it was ridiculous bc he never gets time to work out!  WHAT?  Are you kidding?  If he stayed home for a night he could or even when he gets home from work he could because he's certainly NOT helping me with LO.  From the time I get home until I lay her to bed, I am the one doing everything.  I'm thankful if he makes a bottle every once in a while.

I don't understand what has changed, and I've talked to him several times.  Telling him I need help, etc.  I was specific on what I needed help on.  ITs getting to the point where I'm resenting him.  I can handle him treating me the way he does, but not my little girl.  I swear sometimes she doesn't even know who he is!  If I need 5 mins to do something I'll literally plop her in his arms and 5 mins later, she's screaming. 

I'm talking to a lawyer next week, I just want to get all my bearings together so I can do things the right way by the law... But I'm constantly asking myself... Am I overreacting?  Should I wait it out a little longer? 

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