2nd Trimester

Nearing the end of the 2nd trimester....

and I am starting to feel like absolute crap again :( If I am right, the 3rd tri starts at 28 weeks, so I have about 2 and a half weeks before I get there.I have not been abe to sleep well for about a month now. My back is killing me, I am tired all the time again, my belly muscles ache and I am starting to waddle! lol! Oh boy....sorry this sounds alot like a vent, but I am just so uncomfortable and my belly still is not even that big. Baby girl is perfectly fine, and thats what matters the most, but dammit I feel like crap! lol! 102 more days till my due date, but there is still a chance of a c-section because my low lying placenta is not moving. I know there is still time, but it's making me anxious waiting too see if we pick her birthday or just wait for her to come out. Hopefully you ladies are feeling better than me today! 
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