3rd Trimester

Please...advice needed.

Im a first time mom.  I will be 39 weeks tomorrow.  For the past few weeks, every time I have gone to the doctor, they have told me that LO was head down.  Today, the doc checked and couldnt feel her head, so they did an ultrasound.  She is not head down at all.  The doc said this could be the reason I havent had any contractions or any signs of labor at all, Im not even dilated.  She said she is worried that I could go into labor and LO be breached, so they want DH and I to decide to do c/s, or go in and try to have them turn her head down, and then induce.  I really dont want to do c/s, and DH wants them to try to turn her and then head home and wait till she is ready to come out.  I guess my concern is that if they get her head down and then send us home, she will turn upright again and then if I go into labor, it will be an automatic c/s.  I just wanted a natural birth, had the plan all ready, but I guess that doesnt always happen.  DH hates the fact that they dont want to wait to see if she still turns on her own, and continues to talk about the fact that c/s is on the rise, and this is more convenient for the doctor and he thinks thats why they suggested this.  Has anyone been through this, or any advice?  What would you do, or do you know people who have had to make this decision?  It may seem simple enough, but for me, its just not.  Thanks in advance.
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