2nd Trimester

Survey says: We're having a

GIRL! Miss Miranda Catherine <3 I'm so over the moon and hubby is beyond excited!!! 

 Though the appt brought a little drama.....Our appt wasn't til 4:15p. Even though they had scheduled me for the u/s today, it wasn't on the tech's paperwork and I was going to have to wait til DH's schedule and tech's were the same, a week, maybe 2 without him having to take off of work. while we were trying to figure out the best situation scheduling the lady said she'd talk with the tech and see what was available, there was about a 15min wait and they said if we hold on a little longer, we could get in today :) From almost tears of excitement to frustration and back to excitement all in a matter of 30min. I do have to go back for another u/s in 2 weeks for them to check cervix size and then had to have blood drawn for a test. She has 2 small cysts in her head that they want to check out more of. But the doc says she thinks it's nothing, just to be on the safe side.. otherwise heart rate and measurements are great and on track :)



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