2nd Trimester

Found out what we're having today...and a question.

We found out today that we are having another little GIRL! Now my question. Based on my mother's intuition, I was nearly 100% positive that we were having a boy. I was completely shocked when the tech told us it was a girl. So shocked that at this point I'm in still finding it hard to believe.

The baby was moving around like CRAZY the whole time so the tech had a hard time getting us a picture of the little one's parts. She said it was definitely a girl, and she did finally get a picture where there is nothing going on down there that looks like boy parts. But there are no lines, and with DD we had a very distinct three line picture.

I'm just nervous now that she could be wrong since I never saw the lines. Y'all have any opinions? I'm very much a planner, and I just want to be prepared either way.

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