2nd Trimester

Ultrasound tech made a 16.5 week sex guess..

And she is 70% sure it's a girl! And after she said that, we got an even clearer shot where we could see three white lines fairly well, and there was no sign of a penis. Before we started she said it was probably too early to tell, so I'm taking the fact she guessed at all to be a sign she might have been pretty confident.

I have my big A/S scan on April 19th, so I have to wait awhile before further confirmation. I'm kind of hoping it doesn't change (but of course would also be happy with a little boy). Anyone have any experience with such an early guess being right (or wrong)? 

*edited title of my post to change "gender" to "sex." I do know the difference but was typing while also talking on the phone, and apparently can't multitask ;-)

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