2nd Trimester

ITS A...............!!!!!

ITS A BOY!!!!!! We are soo excited! we had our 18 week ultrasound yesterday and found out we are having a boy! He gave us a real nice shot of his thing. I just wish I hadnt had that pop tart before I went in cuz he was just bouncing all over the place in there! The ultrasound lady was like JEEZ what did you eat???? He gave us a few good laughs! It was really amazing! This is our first so it was really incredible to be able to see him on the screen and see that he really is real and in there. I know its crazy but i constantly doubted that he was really in there or I would constantly fear that the next doppler or u/s would show that he didnt have a heartbeat any more or something, so it was really nice to see him all healthy and happy! Such a relief! We picked Jace to be his name! I think its a really sweet name!
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