2nd Trimester

Growth spurt between 18-22 weeks?

Oh my lord I have been SOOO hungry lately.  Is there some type of growth spurt between 18-22 weeks?  The past week or two I have been eating so much more than normal.  I try to tell myself that I must need it, so I make sure it's healthier snacks, but it's getting to be crazy.  I feel like I'm constantly eating something! 

It doesn't help that I SAH and WAH part time, everything I need is right here.  Anyone have tips on how to be aware of what I actually need versus what I want.  I've never counted calories but at this rate, I feel like maybe I should because I have a feeling I'm going to be putting on some serious LBS at my next weigh-in!

How do you keep your snacking at bay? 

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