2nd Trimester

Kinda Long...Switching Drs....

My husband and I are in the process or buying a house (Yay! and OMG!)  The house is about 45 min from where I live now.  Great location for us...MIL and my mom right down the road and commuting for my husband.  But The dr. I see now is way too far.  And the hospital would be almost an hour.  So needless to say I need to switch.  I have to do my 16w blood work at the same lab but I have to figure out if I'm going to switch before or after my 20 week.  The other Dr. does not take transfers after 27 weeks so I would have to have my 24w appt there. 

I feel like the dr. office I go to how has such great equipment and I'm afraid that this other place is not going to be the same (however they just moved into a brand new building and joined with  another practice). I'm not sure if I'm just making excuses ( I hate change)  or just delaying the inevitable....

Any suggestions?  Any questions I should ask the new dr office?  This office is where my MIL goes and my mom has visited.  

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