2nd Trimester

Genetic screening?

At my last Ob/gyn visit a week ago, i was asked about bloodtest screening and as i am a FTM and hadn't even given this any thought previously. I said i'd ask my DH what he thought and I'd get back to her.  I did ask her how many patients opted for this and if she thought i should get it done because of my age (31) and she said it was a personal choice and that my age wasn't really anything to be worried about.  She said about half of the pregnant moms get it done and that it can just give you higher of lower percentages of certain conditions. 

My first thought was no i wouldn't get it and when i asked DH, he also thought no.  So i suppose i am looking for some feedback.  Is it routine enough to get it done here in the states?  My ob booked me in for my next visit within a timeframe that would still allow me to get it done but i am not sure.  I see alot of posts about sceenings etc and am beginning to think most ladies on here get it done. Hopefully some of you can help me out!  Thanks x 

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