2nd Trimester

Insensitive people stories?

Okay, so my co-worker (who also happens to be my cousin) has been saying A LOT of stupid things to me about this pregnancy:

1) I got married in June and she got married in October of 2011. My husband and I were not trying to get pregnant (actually I was on BC), but we are THRILLEd beyond measure. The other day my cousin was telling me how she loves looking at baby stuff for me, but how she needs to double up on her BC because she and her husband want to enjoy their marriage before kids and then went into a lecture about how she knows if they got pregnant now she would be missing out on travel, spending money frivolously, getting to do this and that, etc. It just seems stupid to be bringing all this up to a woman whom you KNOW got pregnant before she was exactly ready (me). Not that I regret anything, getting pregnant only 4 months after our wedding just wasn't exactly our original plan.

2) The other day I was speaking to my cousin about my husband and I's beach trip in 3 weeks. She asked if I had gotten a maternity suit and I told her that no, since I only have a small bump and still fit into my pre pregnancy bikinis, I will be rocking that. She proceeded to fill me in on how she thinks that's ok since I'm still small, but that she thinks it is SO GROSS when pregnant women with their NASTY stretch marks and DISGUSTING outie belly buttons wear two pieces. Like come on girl! I will probably get strech marks and a popped out belly button! Watch what you say!

Basically, this girl has never had the most tact, but lately (maybe due to the hormones) I can barely stand to be around her!

Do any of y'all have any funny/annoying stories about insensitive people? I'd love to hear them! :)

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