2nd Trimester

Anterior Complete Placenta Previa


I read a few responses from a post two months ago about this so am hoping to either get updates or more info from people who have been through this.

I had my anatomy u/s today and my baby girl looks great, very healthy. However, they found my placenta is anterior but the edge is completely covering the cervix. As other posters mentioned, googling is the worse thing to do. After doing so, I'm so freaked out and angry at my own body for attempting to screw this up I can't stand it. My doc seemed to think it may resolve itself but everything listed as "complete" says no way.

Anyone have any experience here? I know I'm only 18 weeks but what are the chances this really gets better? Any advice/support/words of encouragement are greatly appreciated! I'm having an extremely difficult time being positive right now!

Thanks ladies!

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