2nd Trimester

DH is being an ass.. (vent)

Today has been particularily stressful. Actually the whole last two months have been. I'm gonna be a little vague just cause it would make this post REALLY long if I explained everything.

We both have been stressed because of some finacial problems, we had to move back to our home town, and DH has to try and find work plus we need to find a place soon within our price range (which is few far and in between). We've both been stressed about it all, worrying about money, place to live, etc. Today he absolutely freaked out on me. He had mentioned something about his back being sore and I thought he said something else and I laughed thinking it was a joke and he flipped right out. Went off about some things that we have been stressing over, got very mad at me because I am of course hormonal and started crying. He was pointing out all the things that I apparently do wrong or don't do enough of. I'm one of those people who if you just let me have my cry alone I'll feel better and will be able to talk about things without the heat of the moment type emotions. Well him knowing this already but completely ignoring it kept following me around the house, into the bedroom ranting and raving about everything and not giving me my space. I asked him several times to just leave me be for a while but he said I was blowing it all out of proportion and crying like a baby wouldn't help anything. I was trying to explain to him that he was being a jerk and that he needed to calm down. Everytime he gets stressed he starts nit picking at me, rather than venting to me he vents at me like its all my fault or I did something. After the fight blows over and I explain to him that he can't be doing this to me especially while pregant because the stress isn't good for me or the baby, as usual he promises not to again but that always falls through.

I get that he needs to vent and I try to be there for him but it's really hard when he turns things around to make me feel like I did something. Its a screwy situation. I kind of don't really know what to do about it. I always get freaked out thinking that the baby is going to hear this. We never fight about the baby, ever. But this isn't what I want my baby knowing of it's parents. It's hard to come together but I can't really deal with the stress of being his venting punching bag. It gets tiring after a while. I know that I may be taking things a bit harder since my harmones are crazy but it pisses me right off that he knows all this and yet he does it anyway!

Anyways thanks for listening. I needed to vent that all out. :)

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