2nd Trimester

First stranger belly rub...

Today I had a client come in with his daughter of about 4-5 years old.  The child did not utter a peep while in the office but played with a few things and sat quietly while I went over things with her father.

I was standing up in front of her while she sat in a chair and was reading him instructions when all of a sudden her little hand darted out and touched my belly.  I was a bit surprised since I was reading a paper and didn't see her so I said "OH!" and she pulled her hand away.

Needless to say her father was so embarrased. I thought it was so cute and laughed.  I told him I didn't mind her doing it but would not have been too happy if an adult just went in for a belly rub.  She was just so quiet and innocent and was looking at me with her big, beautiful eyes not saying a word. 

I thought it was sweet so I wanted to share!

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