Single Parents

An update regarding my ex in prison....

I know a lot of you are on the FB group we have so you more than likely already seen my post but wanted to update those of you who aren't on there.

After STBXH got the domestic abuse charge dropped and his violation of my no contact order he was sentenced to a mere 4 months in jail for felony terroristic threats. During this time he was on felony probation for a prior terroristic threats charge. After he served his four months in one county he was transferred to the other where his probation was violated.

Yesterday (one day after our anniversary) he had his sentencing hearing. The judge finally seen through his BS and games and he was sentenced to an additional 18 months with no stayed time.

With good time and time served he will do about 8 more months and be out sometime around Roman's 2nd birthday. Needless to say I finally feel like he got what he deserved for what he did to me and our son. It's a shame now he will be vacant from our son's life for an entire year if not more but he did it to himself and I feel like Rome and I are finally safe. 


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