3rd Trimester

Practical advice for mood swings

I am 25 weeks along with my second son.  My older son is just about to be a year old.  Needless to say, I am stressed out and tired.  With my first pregnancy I was a bit moody here and there but I was generally emotionally OK.  With this pregnancy I feel like an emotional basketcase.  I am constantly bouncing between loving and hating my husband.  He can be annoying (what hubby can't?) but literally from minute to minute I can be contemplating divorce or texting him about how much I love him.  For example, this morning our monitor's batteries were dying and it went off to let us know (at 4:50).  My husband and I both woke up but when my husband wakes up he has trouble going back to sleep.  In any case, he stayed up and was in a cranky mood about it.  He came in the bedroom at 6 to get something and I said, "Hey come here..." I wanted to give him a hug or a kiss on the cheek to make him feel better.  In any case, he said "No!" and stomped back out.  So I got up and asked him what was wrong.  He said he was tired and cranky and, basically, wanted to be left alone.  I went back to bed (plotting his murder) and then when he came back in to wake me up to take the baby so he could go to work he immediately said he was sorry.  He was still a little edgy afterwards but was perfectly fine until he left to go to work. I didn't really accept his apology but I also didn't act like a B word. I spent the first hour after he was gone wanting to cry or scream or file for divorce and then he called 20 mins. ago in a better mood and I was suddenly fine.  This could LITERALLY happen 4 or 5 more times today.  I am on edge a lot and take everything as a personal insult or attack.  I find myself wanting constant attention and feeling like he should always be in a good mood. Even if I am being cranky and rude I expect him to be perky and let it all roll off of his back.  Other times I cry over nothing or just want to scream at the top of my lungs for no reason.  My husband gets the brunt of it but basically everyone drives me crazy and then I end up feeling guilty and sick about being such a B word.  I have read online that this is normal and that, for the most part, will go away after pregnancy but it is absolutely awful and is making me crazy!  The advice I can find online is to sleep more, not be so hard on yourself, etc. but I was really hoping that maybe someone had some really practical advice - something they have done, an herb they have taken, a book they have read, an exercise program... anything.  I am losing it here.  Help!!
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